Artist and full time player. Likes to get messy with paints and supplies. I laugh at my own mistakes (often). Enjoys life, husband, sons and furbabies....and of course sharing time with like-minded people with an interest in creating.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! Hope ya'll get lots of goodies....candy, art supplies, apples and lots o' love!
Here are some of the ATC's I've made tonight for the first Collage~A~Thon I've ever played in and the first one held at IllustratedATC' Probably going back to it when I wake up. I was up way too early this morning for an appointment and with less then 5 hours sleep I'm wearing down fast.
Medley Where Did The Time Go? Fill Me Dead Fish
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mommie and Bonita love....awwwwww. More kisses....I love 'em! Bath day is a bitch too. Spooky, our Halloween cat. Rescued his preegy mommy and have a total of 4 kitties. This one is the friendliest. 3 yrs. old and all are fixed and healthy.